
Nature Photographer Of The Year 2023

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Nature Photographer Of The Year 2017 competitionPrizes:

  • In each category the jury will determine a winner, a runner-up and 3 highly commended. The winners of a category will receive €500 in prize money (in cash). The runner-ups will win prizes worth €250 (in products). The highly commended photographers receive the honour and encouragement. The winner of the youth category will receive a prize worth €250 (in products). The runner-up in this category will receive a prize worth €125 (in products).
  • In addition, from the 13 category winners the jury will choose one overall winner who may call himself or herself Nature Photographer of the Year 2023 (NPOTY). Next to the category prize, the overall winner will receive a prize to the value of €2,500 (in cash). This will give the overall winner €3,000 in prize money


  • Group-Role “Standard”
  • C1 Birds
  • C2 Mammals
  • C3 Other animals
  • C4 Plants and Fungi
  • C5 Landscapes
  • C6 Underwater
  • C7 Natural Art
  • C8 Man and Nature
  • C9 Black & White
  • C10 Animal portraits
  • C11 Animals of “De Lage Landen”
  • Group-Role “Young”
    • C10    Youth 10-17 years
  • Group-Role “Portfolio”
    • C11    Fred Hazelhoff Award (portfolio)

All images must be made in unrestricted nature. Images of pets, captive animals and cultivated plants are not permitted. In total, 20 images may be submitted in for categories 1 – 9 with no maximum per category. Young photographers may send in 5 images maximum. For the Fred Hazelhoff Award 8-12 photos may be entered in.

Online submission of digital photographs via the website.

Image requirements: Preview images – longest side 1920 pixels (moderate sharpening allowed) and the JPG file must weight a minimum of 125kb and maximum of 2000kb (2MB). High resolution and RAW files must be available at the jury’s request. These must be suitable for large format printing (e.g. 80 x 120 cm) and must have Adobe RGB or sRGB colours. Do not interpolate and only use moderate sharpening.


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Filters are an often overlooked tool in nature photography, but adding a simple polarizer to your kit is a great way to capture photos with richer, deeper colors. A polarizing filter helps to darken light blue skies, rendering the sky a richer shade of blue. It also helps to reduce glare – which is especially useful when photographing bodies of water since it allows you to capture rocks and sand at the bottom in the shallows. A graduated neutral density (ND) filter is another great option for landscape images. When photographing images that include sky and foreground, the sky has a tendency to become washed out while the ground often appears underexposed. An ND filter essentially acts like sunglasses for your lens, allowing you to ensure that both the sky and ground are perfectly exposed.