
CitiesTobe Photo Award 2023

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CitiesTobe Photo Award 2023

The CitiesToBe Photo Award is a contest of images that show or reflect on cities and urban life, in any of their complex forms and aspects. The photographic images can be conventional photographic work or artistic work that uses photography as a medium, without restrictions on techniques or procedures. Images may belong to a series of photographs or be part of a photographic project, and may have been previously published.


  • One first acquisitive prize for the amount of 1,500 euros to the winning photograph — which will become part of Anteverti’s urban photography private collection.
  • 10 honorable mentions to the finalist images of the CitiesToBe Photo Award
  • The winning image and the 10 honorable mentions will be included in the CitiesToBe Photo Award 2023 edition’s book, aimed at acknowledging the work of its authors.

April 20th, 2023: Announcement of the winning image and the 10 honorable mentions of the contest

Online submission of digital images via the website.

Image requirements: JPG format (preferably with Adobe RGB 1998 colour profile), measuring up to 2000 pixels on the longest side and with a maximum size of 5 MB, without the addition of frames, borders or photo captions.


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