ICD Mobile Photography Contest
The Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD) is pleased to launch a mobile phone photography contest inviting resident citizens of all ICD’s member countries to capture and showcase their country’s culture, heritage, people, and development from their perspective
- The 1st place winner only will win the contest prize which is an iPhone 12 Pro Max or iPhone 11 Pro Max based on the availability of the phone.
Only selected artists will be notified by 25 January 2021
Judging criteria: relevance to the theme, power of the message, originality in treating the theme, creativity, technical quality, and suitability for presentation in a workplace of an international organization.
Enter 1-3 photographs taken by your mobile phone in digital format.
Image requirements: high-resolution image files (jpeg format). The required maximum horizontal dimension is 1920 pixels and the maximum vertical dimension is 1080 pixels with a resolution of 300 dpi. and a maximum image file size of 2 MB.
Online submission of digital images by email.