
CEFF Environmental Photo Contest 2022

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CEFF Environmental Photo Contest 2021Prizes:
Grand Prize

  • $1000 Cash Grand Prize
  • $500 Cash Youth First Place Award
  • Cash awards in every category


  • Adult (Over 18)
  • Landscape – Images without wildlife or people that feature dramatic vistas in the natural world.
  • Wildlife – Images that showcase the amazing diversity of wildlife around the world in the air, on the ground, or under water.
  • Indigenous Cultures – Images of native peoples ideally emphasizing the interconnection between humans and nature.
  • Environmental Impact – Images depicting either positive or negative effects on the environment from human or animal activity. Subject matter could include outdoor adventure or sports, clean energy alternatives, or the destruction of forests, to name a few. People or animals may or may not be included in the image.
  • Patterns/Abstracts – Images that capture the unique patterns and shapes found in the natural world or created by humans in their use or misuse of resources.
  • Youth (age 13 to 18) Age of entrant will be determined by their age on the day of entry. Entries into the Youth Division must be made by a parent or guardian who have read and agreed to the Official Contest Rules.
    All youth entries, regardless of subject matter or style, will go into this single category. Youth entries should, however, fit within the guidelines of any of the adult categories.

Notification Date: Jan 15, 2022

Online submission of digital images via the website.


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