The International Women in Photo Award
- Free theme
- «Solidarity» theme
- IWPA award Prize consists on a traveling exhibition through the year for the laureate, the five finalists and the winners of the special nominations (Canon Discovery, Solidarity theme, KG+ Discovery and the IWPA Special Mention in 2021) in key cities around the world, in Europe, Asia and Middle East, such as Geneva, Tokyo, or Dubai.
- The Laureate will also benefit from a 6 months photojournalism training at EFTI in Madrid. The training consists of a 3 month course at EFTI premises and 3 months distance mentoring by EFTI teachers of the student personal project. Enrolement and start of the course must be done before the end of 2022.
Online submission of digital images via the website.
Image requirements: JPEG format, with a minimum of 2500 pixels in the longest dimension at 72 dpi. Using the Adobe RGB (preferred) or SRGB color space. The weight of each file should not exceed 3 MB.