Skills in Action Photo Competition 2021
Photos should highlight the innovative aspects of technical and vocational education and training (TVET). We want you to capture interesting moments showcasing how TVET is equipping young people with skills for the future. This year’s theme is The future of youth skills
- 1st prize – 750 USD
- 2nd prize – 500 USD
- 3rd prize – 350 USD
Image requirements: jpeg format. It will be an advantage to submit Raw/Tiff files. The longer side should be at least 3,000 pixels. The entrants are allowed to digitally manipulate entries slightly and state the nature of manipulation. Please do not include any marks, logos, watermarks, or borders in your photos.
Judging criteria:
- Adherence to the theme
- Uniqueness of the concept/shot
- Creativity
- Innovative means of delivering the message