
“Home” Art Competition” Art Competition

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"Home" Art Competition" Art CompetitionInteractions with the environment are increasingly determined by technologies that allow humans to extend their senses, to perceive the world in its different layers of reality. They are the media, means of communication useful for transmitting information about the world in a different and more immediate way. These technologies favor exchange, approach and encounter with one another, and this is an organic approach that responds to a biological need in which our primordial instinct of union is made manifest, the connection between man and the whole – many philosophies try to give an answer to this topic. Since the invention of the wheel to that of the radio, from that of the smartphone to that of the luminous neon, means that determine our relationships and at the same time testify to our being in the world, who we are and who we were.

Group Exhibition in Rome or Milan city, Italy. November 2021

Image requirements: 3 Mb in file size

You can enter up to 3 images. Online submission of digital photographs via the website.


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