
Awakening National Open Call

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Awakening National Open CallWe find ourselves awakening, as though from a long slumber. The slow recovery from the pandemic forcing us to relate to Rip Van Winkle’s surprise in find a changing world. Spring is bursting forth with life again, but that is not all. The world around us is, indeed, awakening to changing social, political and environmental landscapes as well. The Art League of Long Island asks you to share with us your work that features your expression of our world as it acclimates to a new normal.


  • Three Awards of Excellence ($100 each)
  • Three Honorable Mentions

Juror: Kathleen Gurchie
Online submission of digital images via the website.

Image requirements: between 500kb and 5mb – saved as compressed high quality jpg. The image width of large pieces of art should be about 1900px. Images must be smaller than 5000×5000 pixels.


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