
Nature’s Best Photography Asia Competition

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Nature's Best Photography Asia CompetitionGrand Prize: USD $1,000


  • Wildlife
  • Small World
  • Oceans
  • Landscape
  • Birds
  • Junior

Subject: Any nature photograph taken in Asia: Afghanistan / Armenia / Azerbaijan / Bahrain / Bangladesh / Bhutan / Brunei / Burma / Cambodia / China / Georgia / Hong Kong / India / Indonesia / Iran / Iraq / Israel / Japan / Jordan / Kazakhstan / Korea, South / Kuwait / Kyrgyzstan / Laos / Lebanon / Macau / Malaysia / Maldives / Mongolia / Nepal / Oman / Pakistan / Palestine / Philippines / Qatar / Russia / Saudi Arabia / Singapore / Sri Lanka / Syria / Taiwan / Tajikistan / Thailand / East Timor / Turkey / Turkmenistan / United Arab Emirates / Uzbekistan /

Online submission of digital photographs via the website.

Image requirements: JPEGs (72 ppi) no larger than 500K; Photographers who have images that pass into the final round for judging will be required to supply high-resolution files. Nothing should be added to an image, and aside from dust spots, nothing should be taken away. Normal processing of RAW image files and limited adjustments to color and contrast are acceptable, as is minimal cropping. HDR photo stacking and panoramic stitching are permitted as long as all special techniques are disclosed on your entry form notes.


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