Gump Photography Contest 2020
- Gold (USD 2,000)
- iPhone 12 Pro
- Capture One Pro 21 Perpetual License
– Phottix R4II LED - Gump 12-Month Legend (4TB)
- Gump Limited Edition Tee
- Silver (USD 1,100)
- Marriott e-Gift Card (USD 300)
- Capture One Pro 21 Perpetual License
- Phottix R3II LED
- Gump 12-Month Legend (4TB)
- Gump Limited Edition Tee
- Bronze (USD 610)
- Capture One Pro 21 Perpetual License
- Phottix M200R RGB LED
- Gump 12-Month Professional (2TB)
- Gump Limited Edition Tee
Connection, whether with people or nature, is why and how we live. What does this mean to photographers? How can these connections and symbolic moments be reflected through visual storytelling?
Winner Announcement: 10 Apr 2021
Online submission of digital images via the website.
Image requirements: at least 2,000 pixels on the longer side, with resolution of 72dpi. Images should be no smaller than 1MB and no larger than 5MB. Photos must be in JPEG format. Your images must be in sRGB format and 100% quality. Photos should contain no watermarks nor borders.
We are looking for photographs that are creative, striking and of exceptional quality. Successful images will communicate a visual narrative both technically and emotionally. We aim to uncover images that show us the world through different lenses, and at the same time provide opportunities to photographers whose work might otherwise never be seen.