SEARCA Photo Contest 2020
Theme: “Faces of ATTAIN”
1. Agri-Business Models for Increased Productivity and Income.
2. Sustainable Farming Systems and Natural Resource Management (NRM).
3. Food and Nutrition Security.
4. Transformational Leadership in Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD).
5. Gender and Youth Engagement in ARD.
6. Enhanced ARD towards Climate Resilience.
7. EcoHealth/One Health Applications to ARD.
- 1st Prize: US$ 1,000
- 2nd Prize: US$ 800
- 3rd prize: US$ 500
- Special awards
- Searca Director’s Choice: US$ 500
- Philippine Department Of Education Secretary’s Choice: US$ 500
- People’s Choice: US$ 200
Image requirements: Only colored photos; in JPEG format, and at least 3,000 pixels wide for a horizontal image, or 3,000 pixels tall for a vertical image at 300 dpi; under 8 Mb in file size
Judging criteria:
- Relevance to the theme 40%
- Technical quality (clarity, use of tones and color, photographic composition) 30%
- Impact 30%
Online submission of digital photographs via the website. There are no limits to the number of entries submitted.