KAUNAS PHOTO STAR 2020 Competition
Topic: Peripheral Visions
KAUNAS PHOTO festival’s topic aims to look at what is on the margin, just across the window or the border that we can or cannot cross, to discover the spaces, places, lands, areas that usually were in the periphery of the vision. The thematic scope includes self-isolation and things it changed in our habits, attitudes, undermined topics around obvious things, trends beyond mainstream. The festival invites to rethink what in 2020 became important, what was less so, what was taken for granted or simply undermined until now. Both documentary and constructed, geography – based and idea-driven works, works produced during pandemic and in the recent years are welcome.
- The Winner will receive a 2500 EUR prize
- KAUNAS PHOTO STAR Finalists exhibitions across the venues of Kaunas old town
- the Winner’s exhibition at Kaunas Photography Gallery will open on September 3, 2020
Enter 12-15 images. Online submission of digital images via the website.
Image requirements: 2400 px on the longer side, JPG 90% quality