Generazioni Photography Competition
Generazioni will talk about the Old Age in an innovative way, through the combination of photography and poetry. We would like to portray the elderly as the historical memory of society, as a heritage to appreciate, as means of culture, wisdom, traditions and values. Our aim is to build a bridge between different generations, a connection which will promote dialogue and mutual understanding between the young and the elderly, through poetry and photography.
- A prestigious photographic book, published and promoted by dotART / Exhibit Around, which will alternate images and poems. The book will be officially presented during Trieste Photo Days 2020.
- A collective photographic exhibition displaying the best photos of the project, always accompanied by the prints of the best literary tweet. The exhibition will be held at ITIS, during the period of the festival (October-November 2020).
Each contestant can submit up to 20 single photos and up to 2 projects/portfolios, containing a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 20 photos. Online submission of digital photographs via the website.
Image requirements: .jpg format; Colour model: RGB; Single photos: each file must be no larger than 7MB; Maximum size of the short edge: 2000 px / Maximum size of the long edge: 6000 px;