
“ALL Planet Earth” Art Competition 2020

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"ALL Planet Earth" Art Competition 2019Artists should submit their best representational and non-representational art related to the “ALL Planet Earth” theme. Submit your best work representing any that is associate with our magnificent planet. Some ideas are clean air and water, pollution, people, places, wonders of the world, cultures, countries, nature, animals, extinction, rejuvenation, oceans, mountains, the sky, atmosphere, sunrise or sunset, rainbows, weather, journey to space, our moon and sun. This planet is what we will have any common. It takes care of us, provides for us, feeds us and protects us. Let’s celebrate OUR Planet… EARTH!   Because,… as the saying goes… EARTH without “ART” is just eh! All artistic expression, is welcome.

Artists should submit their best representational or non-representational art related to the “ALL Color” theme. The “ALL Color” theme is an open subject competition with a concentration on color.  One color or a multitude of color in a work meets the criteria of this competition.

A group exhibition of all entrants will be held online at the Contemporary Art Gallery Online during the month.

Image requirements: JPG format; under 10 Mb in file size.

Online submission of digital photographs via the website.


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