Light of Day 2018 Art Competition
- First Place: $500.00 in Cash
- Second Place: $400.00 in Cash
- Third Place: $300.00 in Cash
- Fourth Place: $200.00 in Cash
- Fifth Place: $100.00 in Cash
- Sixth Place: $75.00 in Cash
- Seventh Place: $50.00 in Cash
“Light of Day” can be interpreted literally or conceptually. Perhaps the sun as it rises to a new day suddenly presents to you an inspiring fascination which you creatively pass forward through an exciting new work of your own. Nature’s light and your artistic hopes become realized and are seen fresh and renewed.
Image requirements: maximum width 1,000 px, 72dpi; File Formats: .jpg | .jpeg | .png | .gif
Online submission of digital photographs via the website.