
European Historic Houses Photographic Competition

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European Historic Houses Photographic CompetitionPrizes:

  • Overall Prize: Olympus E-M10 MK III
  • Children’s Prize (17 and under): Olympus TG-Tracker
  • Theme Prizes: Olympus TG-5 – TOUGH

You are invited to help us to capture the unique essence of our shared European heritage, by taking stunning images of our members’ historic private houses, castles, gardens, parks and estates.


1. Heritage & Community
2. Heritage & Beauty
3. Heritage & Identity

Shortlisted and winning entries will be selected by an international jury and an award ceremony and exhibition will be held in Brussels in Winter 2018.

You can upload up to 5 images. Online submission of digital photographs via the website.

Image requirements: a maximum of 2500 pixels wide (if landscape) or 2500 pixels high (if portrait) and a maximum size of 5Mb in JPG format. JPG format in sRGB colour space.


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