
#TooManyProjects Contest

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#TooManyProjects ContestWould you like to learn more about photography? Would you like to have a project, report or photo essay? Would you like to define your style and make it unique? We challenge you to represent the concept of a photographic project. An image that summarizes the project of your dreams.


  • 1st Prize: Training check for 1,000 euros
  • 2nd Prize: Training check for a value of 500 euros
  • 3rd Prize: Training check

The winners will receive exclusive discounts to pursue professional photo studios.

Image requirements: under 1.5 MB in file size; jpg format.

You can enter one image. Online submission of digital photographs via the website.

Selection criteria: Visual impact, concept, creativity, technique, composition, light, texture, color range, balance, definition and environment.


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