
CENTERs Project Launch Grant

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The Project Launch photo CompetitionAwards:

    • $5,000 Cash Award (some restrictions apply)
    • Exhibition
    • Complimentary participation in Review Santa Fe Photo Festival
    • $1,000 cash award
    • Complimentary participation in Review Santa Fe

The Project Launch is granted to an outstanding photographer working on a fine art series or documentary project. The grant includes a cash award to help complete or disseminate the works, as well as providing a platform for exposure and professional development opportunities. This grant is awarded to complete or nearly completed projects that would benefit from the grant award package. It requires signature of a contract to participate in an exhibition during Review Santa Fe.

Image requirements: jpg, sized 1400 pixels wide, height proportionate. Files must be 500kb or smaller in size, with a minimum dpi of 72.

Online submission of digital photographs via the website.


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