
Zebra Awards 2017

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Zebra Awards 2017Prizes:

  • Grand Prize:
    • US$2000 prize for the Professional Grand Winner
    • US$1000 prize for the Non-Professional Grand Winner
  • other prizes include medals and international exposure


  • Abstract and Contemporary
  • Architectural
  • Fine Art and Open
  • Landscape and Nature
  • Nudes
  • People and Animals
  • Photojournalism/Documentary

Image requirements: JPG/JPEG format, 8 bit, maximum of 2000pixels on the longest side, 72 dpi, and have maximum file size of 500KB; RGB or sRGB. All images must be monochrome, i.e. grayscale or toning with just one colour. The colour space can be gray scale or RGB. No border, nor marks or logos identifying the artists.

You can enter as many images as you wish. Online submission of digital photographs via the website.


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