Shadow & Light Magazine Photography Competition
- The Grand Prize winner will have her/his portfolio published as the Featured Artist in Shadow & Light Magazine, with the extra bonus in the form of also being the cover artist.
- Four-six runners-up will each have their portfolios published as a Showcase Portfolio.
- Up to 10 finalists will have one of their images selected to be included in the Single Image Showcase, a full page for each image.
Theme: Color It Red
Throughout the years this has been a very popular call-for-entry, and we are looking forward to seeing your “Red” images.
Jurors: Tim Anderson, Ann Hart Marquis, Pat Berrett
All winners will be announced February 8, 2018
Online submission of digital photographs by email.
Image requirements: no more than 10-inches wide at longest side, 100 dpi, 8-bit, jpg.