
Epilepsy Day 2018 Photography Competition

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Epilepsy Day 2018 Photography CompetitionPrizes:

  • Under 12 years
    • 1st Prize of US$500
    • 5 runners up prizes of US$100 each
  • Over 12 years
    • 1st Prize of US$500
    • 5 runners up prizes of US$100 each

Theme: Life is Beautiful

Reflect the theme – that life is beautiful despite a diagnosis of epilepsy; that life is beautiful when enjoyed with family and friends; or that nature shows us how beautiful life is!

The winning entry shall be announced on International Epilepsy Day – 12th February 2018.

Image requirements: minimum of 1MB and a maximum of 6MB preferably 300dpi

Online submission of digital photographs by email. There is no limit on the number of entries a contestant may submit.


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