“Women Seen by Women” Photo Contest
- The selected images will be exhibited in Barcelona at the Valid Foto Gallery on Q1 2018.
- On top of her work framed and printed for the exhibition, the Winner will be invited to attend the exhibition, economy round trip paid plus $500 for lodging expenses.
Photographers should submit a series composed of 2 to 5 images, conforming a coherent body of work, or part of a largest portfolio or series, or a representationof the overall work of the artist.
Image requirements: sRGB, jpg format, resolution = 72 dpi; The maximum largest dimension should be max 1200 pixels in the largest side (width or height) and no less than 800 pixels.
Submitters should be able to send high resolution files (330 dpi) if their work is selected, to be printed and framed for the exhibition. The Gala Awards will charge the exhibitors the printing and framing cost, except to the Winner, whose printing and framing costs will be borne by The Gala Awards. Online submission of digital photographs via the website.