It’s a Sign Photography Competition
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so what happens when it’s actually a picture of words? This month 1650 tackles the medium of messaging, with a juried photo competition of the world of signs, words and messages. Motels, street peddlers, shop windows, traffic signs… signs are everywhere, and they all want to talk to us. So send us your billboards, your fridge magnets, your shopping lists and your skywriting… give us your classic neon, your time-worn peeled paint and your ball-point pen on scrap paper. Show us your clever, your factual, even the downright dumb; if it’s some sort of sign, announcement or message that speaks to you, let it speak to us too! This month at 1650, the message is the medium, and the word is the thing, as we explore the everywhere world of SIGNS!
- Best In Show, 2nd Place and 3rd Place will be awarded and posted online after the show opening.
- Award winning photos will be featured on the show page and Best In Show winners will have a small portfolio of their work (up to 10 images) featured in our 1650 Spotlight gallery of photographic excellence.
Image requirements: JPG format; 72 ppi, image width up to 1024 pixels on the longest side.
Online submission of digital images. All accepted entries must submit a high res jpegs to be included in the printed catalog. E-mail JPGs and an application form to [email protected] All accepted entries must submit a high res jpeg (300-360 dpi, minimum size 5×7) to be included in the printed SHOW CATALOG.