International Images for Science Contest
Enter your best images showing any aspect of science, whether recording it, documenting it or capturing how science is seen and impacts upon our everyday lives.
- Aged 17 and Under
- Aged 18 – 25
- Aged 26 and Over
- Aged 26 and Over, Gold Award: £1000 cheque + RPS Gold Medal
- Aged 26 and Over, Silver Award: £500 cheque + RPS Silver Medal
- Aged 26 and Over, Bronze Award: £250 cheque + RPS Bronze Medal
- Aged 18 – 25 Category Winner: £750 cheque + RPS Gold Medal
- Aged 17 and Under Category Winner: £500 towards photography equipment paid directly + RPS Gold Medal
- The exhibition of 100 prints will tour the UK, commencing in September 2017
There is no limit on the number of entries. Online submission of digital photographs via the website.
Image requirements: JPEG format, under 5MB each and in sRGB colour space – maximum of 2500 pixels on the longest side. Selected Photographers will be asked to provide a high resolution 300 dpi JPEG or TIFF file for printing and for publicity of the exhibition.