
“Social Media” Photo Contest

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"Social Media" Photo ContestHow are they using “Social Media” to define and re-define their own medium? How has this aesthetic and technological revolution of sharing photographs changed photography? The Fine and Performing Arts Department at Colby-Sawyer College is looking for artists creating photographic work that deal with this change, whether by questioning, rejecting, or embracing photography in and as a social media.

Photography Exhibition at Marian Graves Mugar Art Gallery (February 9 – March 16, 2017)

Juror:  Allen Frame

Photographers may submit up to five images from a cohesive, exhibition-ready body of work. Online submission of digital photographs by email.

Image requirements: no more than 5 jpegs of their images. 1200 pixels on the longest side, and the file size should not exceed 500kb. If your work is accepted in the show, you will be responsible for printing and framing your work, as well as shipping your work to the gallery, and retrieving it at the end of the show.


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