
World.Report Award 2016

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World.Report Award 2016The awards will give attention to works focusing on people and their social and cultural stories; public or private, minor or crucial, big human tragedies or petty daily stories, changes and immutability.


  • Master Award: This section is open to all photographers, with no restriction of any kind. Reportages must consist of min 20 and max 40 images. The prize will be of 6,000 Euros gross cash.
  • Spot Light Award: This section is open to all photographers who did not receive one of the following awards before the 1st of April 2016: World Press Photo, W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography, Pulitzer Prize, POYi Picture of the Year and World.Report Award, with exception for the multimedia category. Reportages must consist of min 20 and max 40 images. The photographers, who apply to this session, can also apply to the Master Award session. The prize will be of 3,000 Euros gross cash.
  • Short Story Award: This section is open to all photographers, with no restriction of any kind. Reportages must consist of min 5 and max 10 images. The prize will be of 1,000 Euros gross cash.
  • European Photographers Award | Spain 2016: Included for the first time this year, this section wants to focus its attention on the different nationalities of the European photographers. The 2016 edition opens to all Spanish photographers and is done in collaboration with PhotOn Festival of Valencia. Reportages must consist of min 20 and max 40 pictures. The prize will be of 500 Euros gross cash and a Fuji X-T1 (body only) and an exposition during the Festival of Ethical Photography in 2016 and during the PhotOn Festival 2017 in Valencia.

The participation is open to all photographers with no limits.

Reportages can either be in color or black&white, and will have to form a focused and meaningful story. The assessment of the jury will award the ability of the photographer to build a narrative and emotional story with a compelling series of images. Post-productionis allowed as long as nothing is added or removed to and
from the original RAW file. Image cropping is allowed. Any other kind of manipulation of the images will not be accepted.

Image requirements: .jpg with sized to shortest dimension at no more than 1,280
pixels and 72dpi with a compression degree of 10/12or 90/100. The recommended dimension is max 500 kb per picture. All the files needed to submit a project must be sent in a unique compressed archive in .zip, .rar or .7z format with maximum dimension of 25MB.


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