
Paradise Photo Contest

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paradise photography competitionTheme: Paradise

As with all emotive subjects, Paradise will be interpreted in as many different ways, as you find people to give an explanation of their own understanding – in other words, there is no wrong answer to the question, ‘What or where is Paradise?’. To bring the subject back down to earth, for this competition, we would like to see images that you have captured, which, for you, encapsulate the idea of Paradise. These may be images that conjure up feelings of bliss, of being in heaven, of a wonderland or your very own utopia. These feelings can be found in the simple, everyday occurrences such as walking barefoot on the beach, a hot cup of coffee by a log fire, time to sit and read a book, a quiet spot under a tree; or, the splendour of a breath-taking scene, surfing the barrel waves in Bali, witnessing a once-in-a-lifetime event or something else that has the power to take your breath away.


  • Lomography HP650 Diana+ APS Film Camera

Online submission of digital photographs via the website. You may enter up to 5 images.

Image requirements: JPG format; from 1 Mb to 10 Mb in file size.

Judging criteria: originality, creative interpretation and photographic technique and Relevance to the theme.


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