Travel Photographer Asia Contest 2016
Travel Photographer Asia | The Photo Contest 2016 is looking for the best snapshots taken on travels anywhere in Asia or continent of Australia.
- People
- Daily Life
- Sense of Place
- Nature
- Beautiful Home
- Best 50 Photographs will be Printed on Canvas sponsored by PHOTOBOOK MALAYSIA exhibited at WHITE BOX MAPKL
- Winner (Approximate Prize Value: RM16,500/USD$3,928)
- 1st Runner Up (Approximate Prize Value: RM13,700/USD$3,261)
- 2nd Runner Up (Approximate Prize Value: RM11450/USD$2726)
- Special Prize (Approximate Prize Value: RM7000/USD$1666)
- The Social Media Champ (Approximate Prize Value: RM4800/USD$1142)
Each participant can submit up to 20 photographs. Online submission of digital photographs via the website.
Image requirements: RGB or Adobe98 Colour space; not less than 800kb and not more than 2MB in size; no watermarks/copyright units or logos; Jpeg format; Only bleed photographs without border; may have digital manipulation to optimise and/or crop images, adjust brightness, contrast and colour balance or retouch dust spots. The top 50 selected participants need to submit their high resolution copies of their photographs Jpeg ( at 300 DPI ) or Tiff files within the specified deadline.
Judging criteria:
- creativity and originality
- composition (technical excellence and quality)
- artistic merit (wow factor) and
- content (relevance)