
“Lake Life” Photography Contest

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Lake Life – The Swiss basin of the Lake MaggioreTheme: “Lake Life – The Swiss basin of the Lago Maggiore”


  • 1st place: CHF 1’000.00 + collective exhibition at the Brissago Islands + voucher of CHF 250.00 for a photography workshop organized by the promoter.
  • 2nd place: CHF 500.00 + collective exhibition at the Brissago Islands.
  • 3rd place: CHF 250.00 + collective exhibition at the Brissago Islands.
  • 4th to 10th place: Collective exhibition at the Brissago Islands.

Jury: Antonio Mariotti, Federico Sutera, Massimo Pedrazzini

The winners will be announced within the 30th of April 2016.
You may enter 1 photo. Online submission of digital photographs via the website.

Image requirements: JPEG format, colour or monochrome, maximum file size 1.5 MB per image. Participants must own the original file, which must allow print on poster dimensions (minimum 1 meter x 1 meter). The jury may exclude non-suitable images. The longer side should be minimum 3500 pixels at 300 dpi.


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