
3rd Annual “Color” Online Art Competition

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Colors art competition

Theme: Colors

Contemporary Art Gallery Online encourages entries from all 2D and 3D artists regardless of their experience or education in the art field. A group exhibition of all entrants will be held online at the Contemporary Art Gallery Online during the month of November 2015. Awards will be for top 5 places. In addition to the winning images, depending on the amount and the quality of the entries received, Honorable Recognition awards will also be presented.

Prizes include Lifetime Memberships to Contemporary Art Gallery Online, Radio Interviews, Inclusion in the Year End Anthology Publication, Extensive Marketing and much more.

Competition Results are Posted: November 16, 2015

Judging criteria:

1. Interpretation and the clarity of the theme to the viewer.
2. Creativity and originality of the depicted theme.
3. Quality of artistic composition and overall design based on the theme.
4. Overall impression of the art. What is the effect of the artwork in general and as a whole?
5. Overall, does the artwork stand on its own as a complete and outstanding work of art?

Image requirements: JPG format; no frams or watermarks.

Online submission of digital photographs via the website.


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