
“Destruction of Eastern Christianity Monuments” Photo Contest

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The contest is dedicated to buildings monuments of Eastern Christian tradition, whose importance is too great and are part of the cultural heritage of all peoples of the earth. The Ι.Α.Ο. chose this particular time period, where humanity once again witnesses the destruction of cultural monuments by fanatical religious groups. This photo contest referred to photos of buildings monuments.

The contest is divided into three areas listed in three major groups of damages and disasters, clearly distinct from one another:

  • A. Monuments abandoned and left to the ravages of time due to non-use, compulsory orvoluntarily.
  • B. Monuments which are being visited and utilitarian but with damage of air pollution or otherpollutants or other natural elements.
  • C. Monuments which are damaged by human beings.

Prizes (in each area):

  • Grand Prize (Grand Prix) – € 1500
  • 2nd prize € 1000
  • 3th prize € 500

Online submission of digital photographs via the website.

Judging criteria:

  • A. the artistic value of the photos of entry, the rating has as excellent fourth points.
  • Β. The most complete historical information provided for the monument, the importance, the precise location, and information on how we can visit the monument has as excellent thirty points.
  • C. The best photos with the general view of the monumental area and that must be a work of the contestant has as excellent thirty points.


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