“Semi-Annual Open II” Art Competition
Theme and Selection: There is no "theme" for this art call for the exhibition; it is open to all subject matter. The curator and judges will select work based on the originality, uniqueness of the vision conveyed, quality of execution and how clearly the artist’s individual technique/style is presented in each work. Entries must be two-dimensional artwork created in any medium such as painting, drawing, digital, collage, print, fiber art, photography, etc. The work can be expressed from realism to abstraction.
Gallery25N’s mission is to provide artists with exposure and extensive marketing of their art and accomplishments to our international list of clientele.
Artists Notification: September 2, 2015
Online submission of digital images via the website.
Image requirements: maximum width 1,000 px, 72dpi; File Formats: .jpg | .jpeg | .png | .gif