The Open Portfolio 2015 Competition
Whether your passion is landscape, portrait, documentary/street or something entirely unique, TeraBella Media is interested in displaying your interpretations. TBM is inviting all photographers to send images that best represent their own personal style. The subject matter is open for each photographer.
- First Place winner – $400 (U.S.)
- Second Place winner – $200 (U.S.)
- Third Place winner – $100 (U.S.)
- Three Honorable Mentions & three Merit Winners will also be chosen.
Image requirements: JPG/JPEG format; no watermarks, captions and/or borders; no larger than 1200 pixels on the largest side; all layers flattened and have a jpg compression quality of 7 or 8; saved with a resolution of 72ppi.
Online submission of digital photographs via the website. You may enter up to 8 images for additional fee.
Judging criteria:
25% credit to adherence to theme of contest
25% credit to originality of thought
25% to artistic interpretation
25% to photographic skills.