Linus Galleries Exhibition “Curves & Lines”
Theme: Curves & Lines
The use of curves and lines are all around us, they are employed in artwork to create a sense of direction or focal point and, in architecture, to influence our mood through spatial interaction. Submit your work that has captured or employs these elements!
All art mediums will be considered in this call for submissions, from photography, wall sculpture, fabric, mixed media, all paintings and drawings including, oil, acrylic, pastels, ink, graphite, etc. Sizes up to 12 feet are acceptable. Work must be able to be hung on a wall to be considered for the live exhibition. Freestanding 3D artworks will be displayed online only.
Online submission only. Selected artists may ship their works to Linus Galleries suitably framed for off line exhibition
Image requirements: JPEG should be approx 10 inches (about 2,000 to 3,000 Pixels) on the long side. Nothing below 200 DPI.