North Pacific Research Board’s Photo Contest
Theme: Underwater!
Whether you’re more comfortable wading in (or dunking your camera into the water, as the case may be) or diving deep, we want to see your best images of marine life and marinescapes. Be creative—use a polecam or attach a camera to your fishing net; use a wide-angle or macro view; take over-under shots that are half in the water and half out; wear a camera the next time you go diving—the possibilities are endless.
Enter beautiful original images of underwater sea life and marine research within the waters of the North Pacific Ocean including the Gulf of Alaska, Prince William Sound, Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands, Bering Strait or Chukchi/Beaufort Seas, particularly subjects that relate to NPRB’s research themes including: plankton, invertebrates, fishes, seabirds and marine mammals; or images of people engaged in conducting research, diving, fishing, subsistence, and other activities. Include the location and date of the image in your photo caption.
- Adult (18+)
- Grand Prize $1200
- 2nd Prize $600
- 3rd Prize $300
- Youth (17 and younger)
- Grand Prize $600
- 2nd Prize $400
- 3rd Prize $200
Winners will be announced on or before Friday, May 29, 2015.
A maximum of 5 images will be accepted per entrant. Online submission of digital photographs via the website or by mail on CD.
Image requirements: JPEG or TIFF formats; 5 million pixels or greater resolution.