“Seeing The Land” International Photo Competition
Theme: "Seeing The Land" – Landscape Photography The work can interpret the various conditions of the land of our earth, its beauty, mans impact on it, a mythological view, spiritual feeling or the disruption to it by nature. The work can express any aspect of the land from beauty to science to fiction as a representational or non-representational image.
- First Place: $500 in Cash, an Artist Website Pro website for one year with live tech support = Value $125,
- Artist will become a "Featured Artist" in AWP’s International Artist Directory that is marketed to over 7,500 art buyers = Value $1,500.
- The winner’s artwork will also be marketed in our email marketing campaign "Art Market News" with 16,000 subscribers = Value $3,575.
- The artist and their work will be marketed through our social media-marketing network through LinkedIn, Pintrist, Tweeter, GooglePlus, etc.
- Second Place: $125 in Cash, an Artist Website Pro website for one year with live tech support = Value $125.
- The artist will be featured as a "Notable Artist" in AWP’s International Artist Directory that is marketed to over 7,500 art buyers = Value $1,500.
- Third Place: $75 in Cash
- Fourth Place: $50 in Cash
Image requirements: maximum width or height of 1100 x 1100 px at 72dpi; formats: jpg, gif, png or bmp. Note: It is best if the images you submit are no smaller than 600 px in width.
Submission of digital photographs by email.