The SEARCA Photo Contest
The millions of people in Southeast Asia who depend on agriculture are among the hardest hit by the consequences of climate change, which are increasingly devastating and far-reaching. At the same time, these people are also the ones for whom climate change resilience is most essential and critical. This year’s photo contest will highlight the two opposite facets of climate change—vulnerability and resilience. SEARCA PHOTO CONTEST 2014 will award entries that best capture how vulnerable Southeast Asian agricultural communities are to climate change OR what these communities are doing to respond to the challenges of climate change.
- First Prize USD 800
- Second Prize USD 500
- Third Prize USD 300
- People’s Choice USD 200
Winners will be chosen on or about January 15, 2015.
Image requirements: Only colored photos; JPEG format and at least 3,000 pixels wide for a horizontal image or 3,000 pixels tall for a vertical image at 300 dpi.
Judging criteria:
- Relevance to the theme 40%
- Technical quality (clarity, use of tones and color, photographic composition) 30%
- Impact 30%
Online submission of digital photographs via the website. There are no limits to the number of entries submitted.