Millennium Images Photography Competition
Submit a series of 3-10 images on any theme. Images can be in any style (documentary, art, travel etc) and of any subject, but should be suitable for hanging on a gallery wall.
- First prize of £1000 and 3 year contract with Millennium Images.
- Additional graduate award of £250 and contract with Millennium Images.
- The two winners will receive a portfolio binding session at The Wyvern Bindery as well as one printing and mentoring session at Metro Imaging.
- Up to twelve photographers’ work will be selected to be exhibited at a DreamSpace gallery show in central London in autumn, 2014. The prize winners to be announced at the private view.
The shortlist – those chosen for exhibition- will be informed by email in early August, 2014.
Image requirements: low res jpeg format; approximately 1 MB in size, under 3MB
Judging criteria: artistic merit, conceptual focus, technical ability, commitment, originality and presentation
The shortlist will be required to deliver framed or mounted exhibition quality prints to Millennium Images’ offices in London no later than the 2nd of September, 2014.