3rd Graffiti Photographic Contest
The contest provides a good occasion to promote photographic reportage inspired by social themes, to give more exposure and broader diffusion to this aspect of photography and to create new opportunities for those thinking of embarking on a career of photojournalism. The images presented must adhere closely to the theme of social reportage and be supported by a brief, synthetic but effective written account of the situation portrayed. The competition is about reportage which is open to free and personal interpretation. It must tell an everyday story, reveal a slice of human life in the social realm. The story depicted can have been photographed either in Italy or abroad.
- PRIZE FOR THE BEST REPORTAGE: a plaque + € 700,00 + Master of Photography to be chosen from the Graffiti 2014/2015 selection of courses
- SECOND PRIZE: a plaque + € 200,00 + Master of Photography to be chosen from the Graffiti 2014/2015 selection of courses
- THIRD PRIZE: a plaque + a level II course to be chosen from the Graffiti 2014/2015 selection of courses
- FOURTH PRIZE: check up and cleaning of a photography kit consisting of a camera body and 2 objective lenses (at a Canon or Nikon Service Centre in Rome): adjustment of both the front and back focus; cleaning of the light sensor and a general check up
- FIFTH PRIZE: Photographic equipment
- PRIZE FOR THE BEST PHOTO: a plaque + Master of Photography to be chosen from the Graffiti 2014/2015 selection of courses
- SOCIAL NETWORK PRIZE: 70×100 poster-size of the winner photo
Judges: Paolo Pellegrin, Gianni Pinnizzotto
The project is to contain a maximum of 20 images and a short written description of not more than 15 lines. Submit your images on CD-DVD by post.
Image requirements: jpeg – RGB format – Size cm 20×30 – 300 dpi.