
Kiernan Gallery Photo Exhibition “Fact and Fantasy”

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Photographers have a wonderful ability to turn ordinary surroundings into an otherworldly realm. Optical illusions, chemistry, and the mechanics of modern tools, have opened new possibilities for artists to untether their imaginations. Artists exploring make-believe use their dreams and memories as subject matter. Their work distorts reality, making everyday objects and environments alien and magical. Photographers construct their own fantasies, creating alternate worlds that straddle the line between reality and fiction. For Fact and Fantasy, The Kiernan Gallery seeks images that explore the unearthly and strange.


  • Up to 25 images will be exhibited in The Kiernan Gallery in Lexington, Virginia (June 4 – 28, 2014, 2014).
  • Up to an additional 35 images will be selected for exhibition in the online gallery.
  • A Juror’s Choice and Director’s Choice will also be announced.

Juror: Melanie Craven

All photographic media are encouraged. Submit digital images by email or mail on a CD. There is a limit of 10 images that you may submit.

Image requirements: JPG format; 72 ppi; sRGB color profile; less than 1024 pixels on the longest side.


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