PHOTOcentric 2014 Exhibition
- People
- Nature
- Open
- Best in show
- $1,000
- Image on cover of exhibition book
- 1st Place in each category
- $300
- 2nD Place in each category
- $200
- 3rD Place in each category
- $100
- Image & website or email in book
- Copy of book
- Link on Garrison Art Center website
- A Juried Photography Exhibition [Sept 13 – 28, 2014]
Artists may submit work in 3 categories. Online submission of digital photographs via the website. All work selected for exhibition must be framed, ready to hang.
Image requirements: 72 ppi resolution; 1,280 px on the longest dimension; sRGB or RGB color space (standard) with layers flattened, 8 bit mode JPG format, compression at level 7.