
A Smith Gallery Exhibition “Trees”

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trees – forest, sapling, oak, timber, woods, leaves, seedling, topiary, thicket, park, trunk, branches, family, grove, pine, foliage.  

  The little town sat quite picturesquely at the mating of two much traveled paths.  It had grand vistas, good water and a unique cut stone architecture.  Jacopo reminded his new friend not to speak in the company of the village’s people, "They will rat out your intelligence and hastily flee, fearful that you will regale them with stories of wonder and success." 


  • Forty five to fifty five images will be selected for exhibition and shown at A Smith Gallery from January 3 to February 9, 2014.  
  • Awards are $325 for Juror’s Award, $250 and an exhibition catalogue for Director’s Award, five Honorable Mentions each receiving an exhibition catalogue and $100 for Visitors’ Choice Award. 

Juror: Ellen Jantzen

Image requirements: Files should be 1000 pixels in the longest dimension saved in JPEG format on high quality (not maximum).  Images should be sampled at 72ppi.

Submission of digital photographs by email or by sending in a CD with your images. You may enter an many images as you like.


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