
Call for Artists: Border Cities & New Identities

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International ArtExpo is selecting all interesting architecture projects, photo works, video/short films, computer graphics works, paintings and performances to include in the next 2013 Exhibition:

Border Cities & New Identities – International Art Festival of Architecture, Photography, Video Art, Computer Graphics, Painting and Performing Art, held in Suceava (Romania), at The Water Plant “Uzina de Apa” – Center of Architecture, Urban Culture and Landscape, from the 26th July to 02nd August 2013.

The selection will be based on the main concept of hybridization between identities and urban environment, as the result of liquid identities and liquid contacts between people. People, backgrounds, societies, progress and all their inputs creates hybrid identities, modifying each other and being mixed in prospect to shape a better world. Mixing sustainable transport; modern (ICT) communication infrastructure; sustainable economic development; and wise management of natural resources, human, intellectual and social capital, is the key to reach a future better life quality.

Send your works submissions with a CV/biography, some samples of works (only for artists) via email to [email protected] or via mail. The number of works you can submit is unlimited.


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