Smithsonian 2013 Photo Contest
- the American Experience
- the Natural World
- People
- Travel
- Altered Image
This year we are also looking forward to highlighting the best photographs taken with mobile devices, so as you enter your work into the aforementioned categories, let us know that it was taken with your phone or tablet reader and show us the wonders of this new generation of photography.
- Grand Prize: $2,500
- Category Winners: $500
- Readers’ Choice: $500
- Mobile: The best photo in any of the five categories that was taken with a mobile device will receive $500.
Smithsonian will notify the 50 finalists by February 28, 2014.
You may enter no more than seven photographs in each of the five categories with a total contest submission of thirty-five photographs. Online submission of digital photographs via the website.
Image requirements: up to 5 Mb in file size. JPG or GIF format. Photo contest images are judged on computer screens, which have a maximum resolution of 72dpi. When uploading an image, entering a low-resolution file should be fine as long as it is large enough in inches so that the visual integrity of the image is not compromised. Please retain a high-resolution version of your photograph(s) in your personal files. You will need to have a higher-resolution image on hand, at least 300 dpi at 3,000 pixels on the longest side, to be considered in the final rounds of the contest. Only photographs entered into the Altered Images category can be digitally or traditionally manipulated or enhanced.