
Sapphire Coast Tourism Facebook Photo Competition

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  • Two winners will be chosen to work with Sapphire Coast Tourism in a fun, three day shoot.
    • 3-3.5 star cabin and/or camping style accommodation and transport within the Sapphire Coast for 3 days/2 nights.
    • $100 per person per day will be allocated for food and consumables.

Two entrants will be announced as winners on 01/05/13. One winner will be judged and selected by the Promoter based on creative merit. Judging will take place at the Promoter’s office in Merimbula. The second winner will be announced as a People’s Choice award. The People’s Choice award winner will be the entrant who has obtained the most votes through the competition.

More than one entry is allowed per entrant, although this is limited to one entry per day. Online submission of digital photos via Facebook.

Image requirements: 7 megabytes or smaller, jpeg, gif, tif or png format, and at least 1,600 pixels wide (if a horizontal image) or 1,600 pixels tall (if a vertical image). Watermarks are not acceptable.


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