Linus Galleries Call for Entries “Gestures & Facial Expressions”
People don’t always communicate with words. Sometimes our body language and facial expressions inform others of our internal dialogue or intentions. Even what we once thought was a hidden feeling could be carefully and thoughtfully put into visual terms. Have you ever noticed what longing looks like? How about mischievous intent? Can you tell when someone is listening to or telling a funny story?
It can be as simple as how one uses his or her hands to speak or how expressive one’s face is while recounting an event.
For this art exhibition, we’re asking the artist to go beyond the obvious and bring us a meaningful observation and unique interpretation of the vast amount of facial and gestural communication there is. We’re looking for artwork that focuses on how we communicate with our hands (and body to a certain extent) and with our facial expressions.
- Accepted entries for this online exhibition will be judged again for a collective live exhibition at our Pasadena Gallery.
Image requirements: JPEG format only; between 160KB and 255KB in file size.
Online submission of digital photographs.