Magnum Showcase Photography Competition
Continuing Magnum’s commitment to emerging photographers, the Magnum Showcase is an opportunity for IdeasTap members to have a recent body of work reviewed by a Magnum photographer or senior staff member, showcased on IdeasTap’s website and followed up by some fantastic feedback and advice for the development of your work from the Magnum judge.
Theme: Road Trip
The brief can be responded to literally or playfully, from a local 15-minute drive to a six-month cross-country trip. Magnum will be specifically looking for entries showing a high level of innovation, creativity, technical capability and conception. They will also bear age in mind when judging entries, considering how advanced the work is for an applicant’s level of experience.
All you need to do is upload a strong, concise edit of 10 to 20 images on a theme, along with 100 words explaining your project.
Online submission of digital photographs via the website. All submissions should have been shot in the last six months.