
Hiii Photography International Competition

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  • The Published
    The photography works commissioned by agencies in the form of editorial, posters, ads, CDs, packages, books and book proposals, magazines, newspaper, other publication (including digital formatting), press, fine art, nature, people, portraiture, movies, televisions, videos, animations or websites, etc. which have been published, produced, or applied for in practice.
  • The Unpublished
    Self-initiated, commissioned but not published, personal or experi­mental work, which has not been commissioned or published, etc.


  • The Grand Prix
  • The Best of the Best
  • The Merit Award
  • The winners for the Grand Prix and the Best of Best will be reported by the media, and The Grand Prix will be chosen as the cover of Hiii Photography APP (iPad).

Judges: Joachim Ladefoged, João Carlos, Julia Fullerton-Batten, Lyle Owerko, Martin Brent.

There is no limit to how many works each photographer can submit. Each photograph is a single entry. Campaigns or series are limited to ten photographs. Online submission of digital images via the website.

Image requirements: JPG formar, 72 dpi, RGB (not CMYK), 1024 pixels on the longest side, less than 1MB.


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