“Fading Light” Juried Photo Competition
Theme: Fading Light
The tension between wanting to hang on to the light but at the same time welcoming the darkness. Fading light – shadows, absence of light, twilight, darkness, losing sight, transformative. This theme can be used figuratively as well as literally. Portraits, fashion, editorial, landscape, documentary, conceptual or any other genre is open for consideration.
- $300 Judge’s Choice Award Photography
- Publication in a photography book
Image requirements: sRGB or RGB color space (standard); saved to 72 dpi resolution, flattened layers, 8 bit JPG files; sized to 1280 pixels on the longest side; JPG compression at level 7 (medium).
Both color and b&w are eligible.Online submission of digital images via the website. Judge: George Slade
Judging criteria:
- originality
- technical excellence
- composition
- overall impact
- artistic merit
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: www.open2interpretation.com/submit_fading_light.html