“AUTUMN” Alphabetography Photo Challenge
Theme: the "A-U-T-U-M-N" season, letter by letter
This unique competition challenges photo enthusiasts worldwide to find or take and then submit (for free) photos based on a two-part theme of the season ("Autumn") and the specific letters of the seasons ("A-U-T-U-M-N". Submit photos that apply or relate to the current letter that’s in play. So during the "A" Letter Period, for instance, participants upload photos that are associated with (whose subject matter includes in the Title) a word starting with the letter "A" (examples: Autumn, Ambiance, Arachnid, Attractive). When the gameplay moves to "U", "U" photos are submitted. And so on through the six letters of the word “A-U-T-U-M-N" with each letter active for one week only. Entrants are allowed up to 5 submissions per letter maximum, and all submissions are free.
- 11 winners will receive prizes sponsored bPry such companies as: Blurb, Datacolor, Frame Destination, SanDisk, Course Technology PTR, and Phoozl.
The Top 10 vote-getting photos for each letter move to the Judging Phase where a panel of three professional photographers judge and score the 60 Finalist Photos
Photos can be submitted via Facebook or photo-sharing sites, or uploaded from local computers or mobile devices.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://apps.facebook.com/alphabetography